Placement tests are essential in language teaching as they are a highly reliable tool to ensure active teaching focused on the real needs of students. By providing an assessment of each student’s level of language proficiency, these tests allow educators to design teaching programs that are specifically tailored to the skills and areas for improvement that were identified. This not only optimizes the use of educational resources, but also ensures that each student receives the attention and support needed to effectively advance their learning.


differences between AI


In addition, placement tests facilitate the creation of more homogeneous learning groups, which improves classroom dynamics and interaction. By grouping students according to their proficiency levels, educators can implement more appropriate and specific teaching strategies, promoting more active and participatory teaching. This also allows realistic and achievable learning goals to be set and adapted to the learners’ abilities, thus increasing motivation and commitment to the learning process. In summary, level tests are not only essential for assessing and understanding individual student’s language skills but are also key to developing effective and personalized language education, focusing on the individual and collective needs of learners.


Reasons to use level tests for language learners

To monitor the rate of progress of a class, to divide students into groups, as level checks for other activities, to demonstrate that they are reaching the course objectives… There are many reasons to use language level tests, so let’s take a look at them one by one.

  • Accurate level assessment: Level tests help to accurately identify the level of language proficiency of students, allowing the course content to be adapted to their specific needs.
  • Personalization of learning: Knowing the level of the students allows teachers to personalize learning materials and activities, optimizing individual progress and improving the effectiveness of the course.
  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses: Level tests highlight the areas in which students excel and those in need of improvement, facilitating a more focused approach to correcting specific weaknesses.
  • Measuring progress: Conducting level tests at the beginning and at the end of a course allows teachers to measure the student’s progress, which is useful in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching program.
  • Motivation for students: Knowing their starting level and seeing their progress can be a source of motivation for students as it provides them with a clear view of their progress and achievements.
  • Resource optimization: By knowing the level of their students, institutions can allocate resources more efficiently, ensuring that teachers and materials are used where they are most needed.
  • Certification and accreditation: Level tests are essential for the certification of language skills, which may be required by educational institutions and employers.
  • Homogeneous group design: Level tests help to create more homogeneous learning groups in terms of language skills, which in turn facilitates teaching and improves group dynamics.
  • Student Orientation: The test results can guide students as to which specific courses or modules they should take to improve their language skills more effectively.
  • Setting realistic goals: Level tests allow students and educators to set realistic and achievable learning goals based on current proficiency level.
  • Comparison with international standards: Tests aligned with international reference frameworks, such as the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) allow students’ levels to be compared with global standards.
  • Detailed information: The tests provide specific, detailed feedback that helps students better understand their language skills and work on the particular areas that need improvement.


Assessment with AI or teaching staff

Since AI’s appearance in almost all parts of daily life, it has emerged as a fundamental tool in many areas and E-learning language training is undoubtedly one of the fields that is benefiting most from it. From virtual tutors who are always available to deal with doubts, to spontaneous partners for role-play practice; and let’s not forget automated evaluation, which not only corrects, but also gives personalized comments on what it evaluates.

Up until now, level tests had tasks which needed to be marked by teachers. A monotonous, mechanical task that can be easily performed with the assistance of artificial intelligence.


Advantages of AI evaluation in placement testing

Assessment with artificial intelligence has numerous advantages that improve both the accuracy of the assessment and the student experience. Let’s have a look the most outstanding ones:


#1 Accuracy and consistency

AI can assess consistently and objectively, eliminating the variability that can arise with humans. This ensures that all students are assessed against the same criteria and standards.


#2 Immediate feedback

AI systems can provide instant feedback to each student, allowing them to understand their mistakes and see areas for improvement immediately. This facilitates faster and more effective learning.


#3 Adaptive evaluation

AI tests can adapt to the level of each student in real time. As the student answers the questions, the test adjusts the difficulty to assess the individual’s level of language proficiency more accurately.


#4 Scalability

Artificial intelligence allows the assessment of large volumes of students simultaneously without compromising the quality of the assessment. This is particularly useful in institutions with large numbers of students or in online learning programs.


#5 Personalization of learning

Based on the test results, AI can recommend customized study materials and specific activities that are adapted to the individual needs and levels of the students, optimizing their learning process. Assessments with artificial intelligence not only give a grade but are accompanied by comments that highlight the students’ mistakes and suggest how to improve their skills.


#6 Resource efficiency

AI assessment reduces the need for human resources to mark tests, allowing teachers to focus more on teaching and personalized support for students.


#7 Reduction of Bias

AI can help minimize unconscious biases to accents, communication styles or other cultural aspects that can affect human evaluation.


#8 Global access

AI-based assessment systems can be used anywhere with an Internet connection, facilitating access to tests for students in different parts of the world, regardless of their geographic location.


Dexway level test with AI evaluation

At Dexway, our catalog has different level tests evaluated with artificial intelligence that adapt to different needs. On the one hand, the “AI Adaptative Placement Test” evaluates the level of each student with a progressive test from A1 to C1. The test adapts the difficulty of the questions to determine the student’s level in the A1-C1 range.

On the other hand, the “AI English Level Test” is available in five levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and includes online proctoring (recording system, online or deferred monitoring, forced full screen, tab change blocking…).


If you are interested in including level testing in your center, please contact us.


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